My Profile

Mark Henley

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Why I Want to Build a MoonBase

I want to create a sustainable human settlement on the moon as a first step into the solar system.  Space transportation should use In-Situ propellant production on the moon to reduce the mass of propellant launched from Earth (by a factor of 10).

I'm Passionate About

I believe that there is still much to discover in this world and on the moon and beyond.  I'm a scientist at heart, not just an engineer (but salaries were better for engineers when I needed to make money).  I hope to make real progress in science.

Professional Biography

Mark Henley learned of the lunar polar ice hypothesis from Jim Arnold in an elective course at UCSD. He became Dr. Arnold's research associate, and discovered an efficient method to shield radiation in low Earth orbit. As a UCSD graduate student, he assessed advanced technologies for Earth-moon transportation using oxygen made in-situ on the moon. He became an engineer at General Dynamics to design space systems, modify Atlas and Titan-Centaur launch vehicles, and start commercial launch services. Mark moved to Rockwell, leading design work for other launch vehicles, upper stages, and a free-flying ISS satellite (with Germany and Russia). Mark managed Rokwells's space solar power contracts and served as principal investigator for a system to produce solar power on one of the moon's polar mountaintops, then beam power by laser to a rover in the surrounding icy, dark terrain. After Boeing bought Rockwell, Mark worked to use space power technology on Earth, and in advanced propulsion.

How I and/or my organization will contribute to building a MoonBase. - 250 Max Characters

I can contribute new ideas and innovation, and three decades of experience in advanced programs and technology (for Boeing, Rockwell, and General Dynamics).  My expertise is strongest in space transportation, propulsion, and energy.

Let's Talk About

How can we help make things happen?

My Areas of Expertise

Space Transportation Systems

Space Solar Power Systems

Advanced Space Propulsion Technology

Planetary Geology

In Situ Resource Utilization (including In Situ Propellant Productions)